5 Tips to Help You Organize Your House Quicker
Do not set aside an ENTIRE day to organize your house. Learn some tips to help you organize your house quicker. Tiny changes that make a big impact.
Organize Your House – With Frugal & Quicker Hacks
Thinking about getting organized at home can give most of us an instant headache. Not only that, but I know we could all use some help in the organization department. From cleaning under the bathroom sink to working on your daily productivity, it’s all an important key to having it all together.
First thing is first, try not to get overwhelmed with the big picture, and just start small. There are many quick organization jobs you can do in just minutes a day. Try one or all of these ideas and see what a difference ten minutes can make.
These little tasks will help you feel more productive and organized, leading you to accomplish bigger household chores. Decluttering can also save you loads of cash, too. – read how here.
Set a 10 Minute Timer and GO
In as little as 10 minutes each night, you can clear out a section of your home and make it tidy. This timer isn’t just for you, it is for everyone in your household too. By getting everyone involved will make for lighter work.
To stay focused, set a kitchen timer or timer on your phone to five minutes when you want to tackle your organization. Start with small chunks of a project. Thinking about organizing your whole kitchen might make you panic, but you can break a bigger project into small pieces.
The kitchen can be broken up into under the sink, pantry, cupboards, drawers, and countertops.
Start Small
Don’t know where to start? Clean out that junk drawer. It is a dumping ground for lots of miscellaneous items. Dump out the contents on a table or the floor while you are watching your favorite TV show. During Commercials, start sorting through the items.
Make four piles: Keep, throw away, give away, and move somewhere else. Make sure to toss the throw-away items right away, then go back to the rest. This is my favorite item to use to organize my junk drawer.
Put Away Items That You Are Done With
It is super easy to just move things around your home. Say, for instance, you just finished cooking up a super awesome dinner for your family. You pulled out your grandmother’s favorite lasagna recipe from your cookbook.
When you were done using it, you just moved the cookbook, your apron, and that clean lasagna pan to the dining room table. In a matter of just minutes, you could have put all of it away.
If you don’t clean up as you go, you are looking for hours and hours of cleanup time later. I am 100% sure you’ll be surprised by how much less stuff you have to clean up and how much neater your house looks.
Purge your House Regularly
If you’re like most people, this step is the hardest. Getting rid of things is tough. You always end up asking yourself, “I can still use this?” Well, maybe you could, but if you haven’t touched it in over a year — chances are you won’t be using it shortly.
Purging your house regularly simply means getting rid of things that don’t belong.
Don’t hold space in your home for the items that you don’t need or use. Pass them along as a donation to someone who can sell them for extra cash.
Questions to ask yourself:
- When was the last time I used this piece?
- Do I love it?
- How many of these do I own?
- Will I miss this item if I remove it from my home?
If you are ready to part with that item, it is time to pass it along. In addition, if you need some extra help with straightening up a schedule – check out these 5 House Cleaning Apps You Want To Make Your Life Easier.
Every Item Should Have a Home
Most of the time, our “lost” or “displaced” items end up in random places simply because we have yet to find a home. Now is the time to give every item in your home that you plan on keeping a place to call home.
Make sure the items you are putting away are close to the place where you will be using them. For example, that new Instant Pot you got for Christmas doesn’t belong hanging out on the kitchen table. You may have to organize and (wink wink) purge your cabinets to find their new home.
Maximize your Storage Space
Running to the store to add more items to organize your home is not the answer. A good storage solution creates more space and will streamline your organization. Furthermore, it will not just add more items to claim space in your home, it will make your home look clean and tidy.
First, start with the golden rule of home organization: If something is out of sight, it’s out of mind. It is important to keep your most frequently used items in spots that are at eye level.
Utilize what you already own. Those empty shoeboxes or empty peanut butter jars make great containers for organizing your bathroom closet. If you have to buy, make sure it will fit your space and have a plan for its use.
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These are good tips. We eliminated our junk draw this year and it’s been a huge difference.