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Cleaning Hacks that Save Money for Busy Moms

Don’t spend all day cleaning or stressing about messes. These cleaning hacks for busy moms will help us spend less time cleaning, less energy stressing, and more moments embracing the simple beauties of everyday life.

Cleaning Tips for Busy Moms

I’m one of those strange people who likes cleaning their house. It relieves a lot of stress for me, and I know it is a source of stress for others. This is why I decided to share some of my favorite household cleaning hacks with you.

Cleaning the house is a natural part of family life and often seems like a never-ending task. What if I told you some cleaning hacks would save you money?

It’s true. There are many cleaning hacks available to busy moms that will help them save time and money—the two things it seems like there is never enough of! Keep reading below for some amazing cleaning hacks that will save you both money and precious time.

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Invest In The Proper Tools

For you to clean your home efficiently, you need the right tools for the job, and oftentimes that mop from the big box store down the street is just not it. You will always have to clean, so why not invest in the proper tools for the job?

If you buy a few high-quality cleaning supplies from your local home improvement store or janitorial supply store, they will last you for years to come.

Although they may be more expensive when you purchase them, you will save money in the long run because you won’t have to keep repurchasing the same tools.

Pro Tip: Invest in products that can be used for multiple purposes. Such as a microfiber cloth. These cloths are reusable; with only water, they remove up to 99 percent of bacteria from surfaces. In addition to being the ideal dusting tool, microfiber also reduces streaking on the glass.

Simplify Your Cleaning Supplies

You don’t need a bunch of specialty cleaning products to keep your home sparkling clean. Many natural cleaners are just as effective, less expensive, and better for the environment.

Using natural cleaners like baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, and borax can help to save you a lot of money in the long run, and they are healthier too. Speaking of borax, check out this post about degreasing your kitchen cabinets.

Pro Tip: Create a cleaning caddy for each floor of your home. This means you don’t have to make trips back and forth, so there’s less time wasted. You can stock it up with all the basics so you have everything you need to clean at your fingertips.

Tips to Keep Your House Clean

This may seem obvious, but keep your home clean and tidy. Wipe up messes and spills as they happen, sweep and mop regularly, and don’t let clutter overwhelm you or your home.

By wiping up spills as they happen, they can be easily removed with a quick swipe of a rag and a couple of seconds of your time.

Not cleaning spills up when they happen means that you will have to spend more of your time scrubbing up the mess later. Do you need some motivation to help encourage you to declutter your home? Try reading this post about how decluttering and organizing your home can save you money.

Pro Tip: Use baskets to help you stash your stuff. This is more of a tidying hack than a cleaning hack, but it’s super handy if you don’t have a lot of built-in storage space.

Pro Tip: Get rid of it. If you aren’t using it and it is just taking up space, it is time to either pass it on, donate it, or just junk it. Don’t overthink this, because if you were using it before, you won’t miss it when it is gone.

Maintain a Cleaning Schedule

Maintain a cleaning schedule for your home, not just for things like cleaning the bathrooms on Wednesday or mopping the floors on Friday, but for less common cleaning tasks as well. Cleaning tasks like deep cleaning your dishwasher, washing machine, and dryer, or cleaning out your gutters don’t have to be done every week, but they do need to get done.

If you find that you are likely to forget about these important cleaning tasks, go ahead and schedule them on your calendar as a reminder.

Cleaning these items is a big part of home maintenance and it will extend the life of your pricey appliances, saving you money on appliances, service repairs, and energy costs in the long run. Speaking of energy costs, check out these 5 shocking ways to reduce energy costs.

Pro Tip: We don’t always have time to get everything done, but we always have time to do something. If you could only get one cleaning task done today, what would it be? Decide what your Just One Thing is and then feel content when you get that done.

Pro Tip: Put the kids to work. You have a brood of little helpers, so put them to work! Get creative here because cleaning up for kids can be fun. You can have Alexa play their favorite song and see how fast they can pick up their bedrooms by the time the song is over with.

Plan Projects in Advance

Do you have a home improvement project, like painting or installing an outdoor living space, on your wish list this year? If so, make sure that you plan these projects so that you can take advantage of sales and sales cycles.

For example, some hardware and home improvement stores occasionally have sales on the paint where if you buy a gallon, you get one free.

Outdoor living items like grills and outdoor furniture often go on sale between Memorial Day and Father’s day, and again around Labor Day. Don’t rush into your projects so that you can get the best deals on what you need to complete them.

Pro Tip: Whenever you spend money, it’s a good idea to know how much of your total income or savings is allotted for the purchase, whether it’s just for a low-cost project like a new garden mulch, or something big like a new stove. If you’re planning to do work in your home, I recommend starting with a dollar amount you can spend before you begin making your choices. Then you can price the materials you need that will work with your budget.

Hire a Professional When Needed

Hire a professional to do a job when you need one. Taking on projects that are outside of your abilities can just end up costing you more if a professional has to come and take over the project and fix your mistakes.

If you need a professional, you can still try to save money by asking for multiple quotes from repairmen, and asking for references of reliable workers that your friends or family may have used. Incorporating these time-saving cleaning hacks for busy moms into our routines can make a big difference in living a simplified parenting life.

Pro Tip: Get rid of the guilt. We know you can do it, but do you have the time? Probably not, so allow someone else to take over tasks for you instead. If your carpets need cleaning, hire a professional! Have a painting job you want to do, but again don’t have the time to do it yourself? Hire someone!

Other Helpful Household Hacks

How To Clean Kitchen Cabinets And Degrease All Naturally

The Best Eco-friendly Cleaners to Keep Your Home Sparkling Clean

5 Tips to Help You Organize Your House Quicker

How to Unclog your drain naturally

Ways you are Ruining Your Nonstick Pans

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