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Smart Ways to Tame Your Laundry Pile

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Feeling a bit overwhelmed by your laundry? Learn how to manage the never-ending piles and do your laundry faster!

Smart Ways to Tame Your Laundry Pile

Does your laundry tend to pile up and take over the house? Do you dread having to deal with the piles of laundry that you find scattered around the house? Maybe you are like me…….a procrastinator.

You will it all away with your mind, but it doesn’t work. You shout “GO AWAY” – and yep, it is still there. Having a mountain of dirty laundry staring you in the face can be daunting.

And the pile just never seems to disappear. Why is that? – Well, it is called life! You and your family are on the move and that means your clothing gets dirty. Sometimes more than we like. Well, no more! Here are some smart ways to help you tame your laundry pile once and for all! It is time to conquer your laundry pile, plus learn a few new tricks to get it all done faster.

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Get the family to help

The first step to taming the laundry monster in your home is to get the whole family involved. Dirty clothes go in the hamper, not on the floor. Clean clothes should be put away immediately, and sorting the laundry into colors, whites, and darks can help save you time in the laundry room and it will help keep your clothes brighter for longer.

Have your older children fold their laundry, and even toddlers can help fold towels and match socks. And make sure to get them to put all their clothes away. And a quick tip – if no one is jumping at the bit to get started helping with laundry, it is time to assign some chore assignments.

Establish a Routine Will Help you to Wash Less

When you establish a washing routine, you end up washing less. Yes, it is true. You can choose to run a load once a day, or do it all in one day. Just make sure your loads are organized well, or you will be doing more and not less.

There is no set way to do this other than what works for your family. If your weekends are busy, weeknight evenings over a few days may be your best option. The point is…do what is best for you. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel by squeezing in laundry in between running around with the kids.

When you get your laundry routine down, it’ll start to feel like it runs on autopilot!

Mesh Bags

Do you have a pile of mismatched socks because the dryer has eaten the match? You can solve the case of the missing socks permanently by investing in some mesh laundry bags.

Put the dirty socks in the bag, toss the bag in the washer and the dryer, and never have mismatched socks again! Let’s face it, socks are the worst. And they take the most time sorting through and folding. If you have them all in one organized spot… HELLO, you are saving lots of time.

Mesh bags are also an excellent solution for washing any delicate items in the washing machine. 

Treat Stains Immediately

Treat any stains on your clothing immediately and you will be much more likely to get them out. You don’t have to wash them immediately but do go ahead and put stain remover on them while they wait to be washed. 

The best stain-removing products are:

Color Catcher Sheets

If you don’t want to have to separate your laundry into different loads, consider purchasing color-catcher laundry sheets like these. They are a little on the pricey side, however, if you can do all of your laundry at the same time and have fewer loads, you will save money on energy costs in the long run. 

Organize Your Closets and Drawers – Will Help Tame Your Laundry

What does the organization have to do with laundry, you ask? Lots, because if your closets and drawers are organized, you know exactly where all the clean clothes need to go.

Don’t overcrowd your closets and drawers and stuff them full of clothes that are not likely to be worn. If your closets and drawers have become too full, it is probably time to declutter them. AND if your dirty clothes are already organized (darks, lights, and whites), then you can skip the time to sort because it is already done.

Get each of your family members, one of these laundry sorter hampers. Teach them to separate their clothes into whatever categories you prefer.

Remove the Clothes Immediately

One of the fastest ways for your laundry pile to become a laundry mountain is to let it remain in the washer or dryer when the load is finished. When the washing machine or dryer is finished do the next right thing.

Otherwise, that pile of clean clothes will just get bigger and bigger.

Low Maintenance Fabrics

When you are shopping for clothes for the family, be on the lookout for low-maintenance fabrics that can be cared for at home. This saves you money on dry cleaning costs, expands your wardrobe, and makes laundry day easier. 

No one wants to take the extra time to pre-treat many individual pieces of clothing. So always take the time upfront to look at the care instructions of clothing pieces before you buy.

Taking care of the laundry is probably never going to be fun, but you can use these smart ways to tame the laundry pile at your house and keep things manageable. Do you have any laundry-taming tips to share? 

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  1. Great tips! Once I stopped working outside my home I stopped wearing things that needed a lot of fabric care (like ironing and dry cleaning). My husband has worked at home for 4 years and he also stopped wearing dress shirts (except for on-camera meetings). We got a lot of time back!

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