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6 Ways To Avoid Overspending At The Grocery Store

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Finding it difficult to avoid overspending at the grocery store? These 6 sneaking spending triggers may be to blame!

6 Ways To Avoid Overspending At The Grocery Store

You go to the grocery store, list in hand, only to walk out with a bag full of snacks you didnโ€™t need. And you totally forgot fruit for the kid’s lunches tomorrow’s lunch.

When it comes to shopping, there is often a disconnect between what we plan to buy and what we actually end up buying. These days, a trip to the grocery store may already have you looking at your bank balance with dismay. But did you know there are some things that make you overspend at the grocery store?

As in, the store is actively trying to get you to spend more money, in addition to those products that should only be purchased when they are on sale!

Today weโ€™re going to explore 6 common spending triggers that are all too easy to fall for if youโ€™re not careful! It is time to get out of a supermarket without overspending.

Don’t Try And Remember – Write It Down

We know you know, but itโ€™s worth repeating: Shop with a List! The number one way, that you are tempted to overspend at the grocery store, is by trying to shop without a list. Donโ€™t count on your memory and donโ€™t throw random stuff into your cart on impulse. 

If you donโ€™t have a list that you can stick to, you will almost inevitably end up with items in your cart that you donโ€™t need. If you arenโ€™t already, meal planning ahead of time can help to save you time and money. You will know exactly what to include on your list. 

Don’t Shop While You Are Hungry

The number two way that you may be tempted to overspend at the grocery store is by shopping for your necessities while you are hungry. When you are hungry all of the sights, and especially smells of the grocery store can be just too tempting. Eat a snack or a meal before you go to the grocery store. 

Remember this rule and avoid it – Anything can happen when you are hungry.

Buying Items that You Already Have

After making your list, but before heading to the store, shop your kitchen first. There is nothing wrong with having a full pantry. In fact, that can be quite helpful when unexpected expenses arise and you canโ€™t afford much at the store.

However, there is no need to buy a can of green beans, or cream of chicken soup when you have a pantry shelf full of them. 

Avoid Grocery Store Traps

Another way to curb overspending at the grocery store is to avoid grocery store traps. You might not think so, but the store is actively trying to get you to spend more.

Pairing items together, like graham crackers and marshmallows. Having all of those delicious treats and cereals right at eye level, or making it seem as though something is a great deal are just a few of the ways that grocery stores encourage overspending. 

Sales items! From BOGO sales to 10-for-$10 offers, stores offer all sorts of different deals that are designed to get you to buy more than one particular item. These deals can be attractive enough to convince you to buy a lot more of something than you normally would.

Buying Items at the Wrong Time

It may seem strange, but yes, there is a wrong time to buy certain items at the grocery store. For example, canned soups are usually at their lowest price during the fall and winter months.

They keep easily in the pantry, so stock up when you find a great deal. Cereal is typically at its best price around back-to-school time and again, it keeps, so stock up when the price is right. 

And did you know there has been a lot of research on consumer behavior? They have found that youโ€™re more likely to buy something youโ€™ve picked up than something you havenโ€™t. Thatโ€™s part of the reason why checkout stands are lined with enticing items, and why things like candy. And those end caps are filled with new to you items.

You Don’t Need To Pay Full Price

There are some items at the grocery store that you should never purchase when they are at full price. These items include toilet paper and paper towels. If itโ€™s full price either skip it or purchase it somewhere else where it is on sale.

Of course, when you find a deal, make sure to stock up, itโ€™s not as though your paper products are going to expire, right? 

These are just a few of the ways that you can stop overspending at the grocery store. Just making a few simple changes to your grocery habits can end up saving you quite a bit of money throughout the year. 

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