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How Decluttering Your Home Will Help You Save Money

Clutter costs us time, money, and energy. You might be surprised at all the ways that decluttering can save you money. See three simple tips that will help you stay on top of your home.

Couple Decluttering their home. Cardboard Boxes in hands.

How Decluttering & Organizing Your Home Will Help You Save Money

In this day and age, everyone is talking about saving money, cutting back, and learning to live on less. We try our best at the grocery store to save by purchasing items on sale and using coupons. But what if, by decluttering and organizing your home, you could also save money?

Have you ever thought that just by organizing and decluttering your home, you can help save money? Yes, seriously!!! Not only will it save you money, but it will also relieve you of stress. When there is visual clutter in our homes, it often creates a sense of stress. Items that “sit there” can rob you of usable space in your home.

Here are some ways that decluttering and organizing your home will save you money in the long run. There are a lot of benefits to minimizing, but it can also save you money and teach you how to be frugal.

Read More Home Keeping Tips & Tricks on Inspiring Savings

Sorting First

The truth is, many people have at least a part of their home that’s cluttered: a junk drawer, a shelving unit, and maybe even a closet. But when clutter begins expanding beyond a small confined space, it takes on a life of its own, one that eats up your money and resources.

Start by sorting through what you currently own. Weed out all those items you don’t need anymore. Guaranteed, you will come across items that you thought you had lost or misplaced. Guess what? Now you won’t have to buy them again.

Money left in your wallet. I always seem to think that I need to purchase something and have already done so in the past.

When you get rid of clutter in your living space and mind, it can make room for the things that matter most—increasing your time, peace, productivity, and finances.

Cleaning Out

While cleaning out your closets, you might find some items that you don’t really need or use anymore. You may even find multiples. You can sell those items (make some money) or donate those items and help others save money.

Toss anything that isn’t beautiful, useful, or something you adore. Start by sorting your things into piles; keep, toss, and donate. When you realize you are not defined by what you accumulate or keep; it is much easier to let go. It is a simple fact that when you donate or sell those items, you are helping others who may need those very things. 

Remember those suits that your dad left you but your husband will never wear? They are just taking up space in your closet. So are the board games your kids have outgrown, the kitchen gadgets you bought but know you’ll never use, and even those jeans from college that are so outdated they’re not worth the struggle to squeeze into them.

Get them out of your life and get a deduction for them! Donations are a great way to get a tax deduction. But watch out, giving to others can be contagious. You will see that you will not be missing any of the clutter. Here is a great place to rid yourself of unwanted things. 

Think 10 minutes

If you have trouble cleaning and getting organized, you may simply be overwhelmed about where to start. Start by setting a timer for 10 minutes and pick an area that is small to clean out. I would suggest a junk drawer or a shoe closet first.

Once you see and feel how productive you can be in just 10 minutes, you will feel ready to tackle some bigger areas. Just a warning though: it does become addicting.

And as you are decluttering, you will most likely find you have some new spaces that need cleaning. Here are some of my favorite Cleaning Hacks. Plus included in this article is a monthly cleaning chore list.

Keeping it Organized

Once everything is organized and stored away properly, there will be less opportunity for potential breakage. So, in turn, there will be no need to replace them. Money left in your wallet. Having trouble coming up with some ways to keep it all organized?

Click here for some additional ideas. or read 10 Common Items that Make Great Toy Organizers!

It’s a fact: cluttered homes take longer to clean. Stuff just takes up your time. You’ve got to move stuff before you can clean under it, then move it back so you can clean the next mess. A cleaned-up home frees up that time and makes cleaning faster as well as habitual.

When you are living in an organized home, you’ll start to see the benefits everywhere.

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  1. Great tips. Donating those items you need is fantastic, though I have no idea they could get you a tax deduction! Decluttering has definitely helped me keep my house clean, as there is no less stuff to clean around or move in order to clean.

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