Home » Frugal Living Ideas » From Math to Art: Best Online Learning Websites Tailored for Kids

From Math to Art: Best Online Learning Websites Tailored for Kids

Discover the best educational websites for kids. Let your children learn about everything from anatomy to phonics with these free online learning websites. These are great website apps to use during summer months or breaks in school. 

Little girl in pink sitting in front of computer playing a learning game

From Math to Art: Best Online Learning Websites Tailored for Kids

Have you ever wondered what are the best Free Online learning websites are for kids? So many websites claim to be the best but require you to sign up and pay for services. Let’s face it, we are all frugal and looking for the best for less.

Technology is becoming more and more common in children. Criticism surrounds technology for children, but technology is here to stay, and in moderation, can be a very good tool to aid children’s learning.

There are so many Educational Websites and apps available, but how do you know which ones are the best? I have compiled this list of some of the best Free Online Learning Websites for Kids that you will want to check out!

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Free Online Learning Websites

Sesame Street

Younger children will love everything about Sesame Street’s online home. They can watch hundreds of the show’s video clips and play games that help them learn letters, animal sounds, rhymes, colors, and more.

Computer screenshot of website for ABCYA


This website contains everything from Counting Games to Graphing, Patterns, and more. Great for learning early math skills. This is one of my kids’ Favorite Free Websites! Plus, I hear them say they get to play on this site during computer lab time. (teacher approved)

Cool Math website online learning resource for kids

Cool Math

CoolMath.com calls itself “an amusement park of math and more.” Children can play online math games that help them with addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimals, money, and more. CoolMath is geared toward ages 13 and up, but sister site CoolMath4Kids.com is appropriate for ages 3 through 12. CoolMath Games offers “brain training” games for all ages.

Fun Brain website for kids

Fun Brain

Reading, Math, Tic Tac Toe and more are all a part of FunBrain.com! Explore tons of new games for kids and learn as you go. They even have fun Mad Libs to help with reading!

Highlights for kids website screenshot

Highlights Kids

My kids LOVE Highlights Magazines, and the website is just as great! There are games, books, crafts, and of course, Hidden Pictures.

national Geographic Kids online learning resource

National Geographic for Kids

Watch animal webcams, learn interesting animal facts, see and share photos of nature, learn about different countries, try science experiments, and much more on Kids.NationalGeographic.com. There’s also a “Little Kids” section for the younger explorers in your home.

PBS Kids Fun games for learning

PBS Kids

Each of the educational shows your children watch on PBS has its own section on PBSKids.org. Find sing-a-long songs, sorting and counting games, bonus videos, and more.

StarFall Fun to read and learn to read website

Star Fall

 This is a great website for learning to read. Starfall takes your kids from ABC’s to Learning to Read! There are some fun games and more that surround Phonics, Sounds, and putting sounds together in words! This is great for preschoolers learning to read!

TIME for Kids

From the publishers of TIME magazine, TIMEforKids.com is loaded with fascinating articles, photos, and videos, covering politics, the environment, entertainment, sports, health, and more. TIME for Kids isn’t as interactive as most of the other sites on this list, but it tackles subjects that are in the news in a kid-friendly way.

Online learning games for kids. little girl on touch pad learning in school

Keep Kids Safe on The Internet

Plus, be sure to check out Kids Internet Guide. A fun, entertaining guide that will help your kids and yourself understand how the internet works.

FREE Online Learning Websites

The way children are learning is changing. It’s amazing how much children can learn with technology. It is hard to believe that when I was the same age as my kids; we were not nearly tech-savvy. They know so much more than I ever did at that age.

If you have been worried about all the technology your kids are facing, here is a nice article from Purdue University called “GROWING UP WITH TECHNOLOGY“. It is a nice read and goes into further detail about the benefits.

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  1. thank you for all of these awesome free sites !! i also really like mystery Doug 🙂 i will share this page with all my home school friends !

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