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Learn How To Donate Your Expired Coupons To Military

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What do you do with the small mountain of your unused and expired coupons every month? Donate them. Military families overseas can use coupons up to six months past their expiration date.

Donating Coupons to Military Families - how to do it

Learn How To Donate Your Expired Coupons To Military

You would typically think that if a coupon has passed its expiration date, it would be worthless and bound for the recycle bin. Well, that is not true. Have you ever heard that you can send expired coupons to military families overseas for use in their commissaries, aka the military grocery store? You can!!!

And did you know that there are many overseas military coupon programs? Expired coupons can continue to be used by families for up to six months after their expiration date at overseas military bases (only). I love the thought of a bonus, as small as it is for our brave men and women.

I believe in these programs full-heartily and hope that maybe I can inspire you to believe and participate in them as well. It is easy for me to make this decision since I was raised in a military family. My dad served in the Army for over 20 years. If you think this is an option for you, please read on. The only cost to you is a stamp. If shipping to an overseas military address, the cost will remain the same as shipping within the United States.

Here is what to do with your expired coupons.

When the end of the month comes around, what do you do with your expired coupons?  Do you toss them into the trash or recycling bin? Let’s send them along to military families.

How to Donate Coupons to Military Family Members

If you use a few coupons or a lot, you know that sinking feeling you get when you realize you went to all the trouble to clip it, but it expired before you used it. Overseas military commissaries will accept manufacturer coupons that are expired. They will accept all coupons that expire six months after the expiration date. You can make it easy for others to save money, but clipping coupons you may not use or those you just didn’t utilize. How do you donate? Easy…just clip those coupons and send them to one of the following companies (listed below).

Overseas Military Expired Coupon Programs

These programs allow you to ship expired coupons to military personnel who can use them or up to six months after the listed expiration date. Let’s first go over some rules for shipping those expired coupons to our military friends.

Coupon Exclusions

  • No assistance vouchers.
  • They do not accept food stamps or the like
  • No store coupons. For example, we can’t use store coupons like Walmart, Price Chopper, Target, Walgreens, etc. These include Catalina Coupons.
  • No restaurant coupons.
  • No internet coupons – meaning printed manufacturer coupons off your computer.

Act Quickly

Yes, there is a six-month grace period given for overseas families to use these coupons. From a practical perspective, that isn’t that long. You see, it takes time from the point you mail them to their respective programs and then send them overseas.

Current Military Coupon Donation Programs

Coupons For Troops
Click on the spreadsheet listed and donate directly to those families in need. View instructions for sending. You can use this form to sign up.

attn: Expired Coupons for Troops
PO BOX 430
Whiting, IN 46394-0430

If sending currently active coupons – send them to the address below.
attn: Active Coupons for Troops
PO BOX 231
Whiting, IN 46394-0231

Overseas Coupon Program
Please Note last activity on this site was 2016 – I am not sure if this is still an active program.
List of all American military bases overseas which currently participate
To Donate to a Family in this program – Fill out this form

Support Our Troops® 
The program is called Troopons – Instructions for mailing

P.O. Box 70
Daytona Beach, FL 32115-007

Helpful Hints for Donating Coupons to Military Families

There is no minimum amount of coupons required to participate in these programs. They only ask that a few little steps be taken to help if you are not paired with a military family. The first is, coupons should be within an expiration date of no more than 30 days at a time to ensure adequate processing, delivery, and use of the time for the recipients.

Coupons should be sorted into food and non-food categories and packages accordingly for delivery. Please see their site for more details about their requirements and to see how you can be of assistance.

Alternatively, you can think about adopting your own Military Relatives or Friends.

Perhaps they aren’t even aware that these kinds of programs exist and are missing out on this fantastic way to cut down on overseas expenses. They will greatly appreciate it. Just reach out to those you know who are on a base overseas, or ask your friends and family to connect you with individuals they know who are in the military overseas.

These programs help loosen the tight purse strings of our military families and ensure they can care for and support their loved ones.

It is the least we can do to show our gratitude for all they do to protect and serve our own families.  So, next time you have expired coupons, don’t throw them out. Send them to someone who can use them!

If you have donated in the past or are currently donating, let us know. Are you donating to one of the companies suggested in this article or another company? Leave us a comment below.

More Budget And Coupon Tips on Inspiring Savings

The Best Time to Buy Anytime – A Month to Month Grocery Sale Cycle Guide

Food Purchases That Are Busting Your Budget

Forget Expiration Dates – These Foods Last Forever

Military family standing together with text overlay - how to donate coupons to military families.

Thank you for helping U.S. troops save money with your expired coupons. It is a great feeling knowing you are helping our service members to save money. It is the least we can do for their sacrifice.

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  1. I come up with a lot of coupons.
    I. Had a lot to give out and I don’t know where to give to

    I need an address & any important information available on donating coupons

  2. I’ve been sending coupons to Troopons every month on behalf of our VFW Auxiliary. I’m just hoping this is still an active organization since their last posting on the web is dated 2020. Just want to verify that our efforts are still being utilized! Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Laurie,

      You are right! I haven’t personally used troopons. I would suggest reaching out to them using their contact form – https://supportourtroops.org/contact. Please do come back and let us know if they still are participating. Thank you for both your donations and investigating.

  3. It would be helpful if you could provide a person’s name along with the address.. Since 9/11 the post office will not accept a package that does not have a person’s name. The last time I sent a package i just mad a name upo so I could get the package sent!

      1. Are their any families that I can send the coupons right to them.

        I get 25 sets of coupons a week.

        Thank you for all you do for our military families.

  4. It dont appear that your site has been updated. I only see 1 family requesting coupons for 2020.

  5. This just made my day! What an amazing program! I’m so happy you let us in on such a wonderful thing! I am totally on it! I have tons and tons of coupons and panic when expiration is coming up! So this is just fantastic! I will be checking out all of the programs you listed! Thanks so much!!

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