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Streamline Your Chores: Steps to Create an Efficient Cleaning Caddy

Having a well-stocked cleaning caddy can help you clean your home faster. Here are some of my favorite essentials to add to your caddy.

Streamline Your Chores: Steps to Create an Efficient Cleaning Caddy

Do you have a cleaning caddy? A cleaning caddy is a basket or cart that you can take with you as you clean your home. Having a cleaning caddy can save you time during your cleaning because you donโ€™t have to go back and forth for the supplies that you need. You already have them right at your fingertips!

Cleaning is never fun, but when you are well organized with the essential cleaning supplies, it makes it easier. Letโ€™s talk about some useful items to include in your cleaning caddy!

To help you out, even more, I created this FREE Homemaking Chore Checklist to help you stay on track throughout the month. Click or tap the image below to sign up to receive your FREE downloadable Home Cleaning Checklist

What To Put In A Cleaning Caddy

Everyoneโ€™s cleaning needs are slightly different. You may choose to put a few extra cleaners or cleaning tools in your cleaning caddy.

First things first: You need a roomy cleaning caddy that holds all your supplies. If youโ€™re in a pinch, a plastic laundry basket will do just fine โ€“ but if you want to go all-out, invest in a caddy with a top handle thatโ€™s built for spray bottles and cleaning accessories.

There are so many types you can find on Amazon. Let’s get started – Here are a few of my ideal items to have in my cleaning caddy.

Read More Home Keeping Tips & Tricks from Inspiring Savings

Microfiber cloths

Microfiber cloths do an amazing job of cleaning because the cloth is designed to grab onto dirt, dust, and germs and hold on to it. A microfiber cleaning cloth is a blend of polyester or polyester and nylon. In my opinion, microfiber cloths do a better job at picking up dirt and debris than cotton cloths.

I love them especially for picking up all dust and debris from my white baseboards. They are much better at cleaning than traditional cleaning cloths that just kind of spread dirt, germs, and grime around. 

Spray Bottles

Spray bottles are a handy way to carry around your cleaning products, whether they be store-bought cleaners or homemade ones. Just make sure that you label the bottles clearly with what is inside each one. 

Magic Erasers

If there is one item that should be included in your cleaning caddy, it is the Magic Eraser. These melamine sponges do a fantastic job of cleaning up just about anything. From crayon marks on the walls to scrubbing a greasy mess off of your stove, to wiping down your baseboards Magic Erasers can do it all.

Did you know that you can make them yourself

All-Purpose Cleaner

You need a good all-purpose cleaner to keep in your cleaning caddy. This type of cleaner can be used for everything from sinks to showers and countertops. If you donโ€™t like to use chemicals in your home, you can use vinegar as a natural cleaning product around your home.ย 

If you preferย the store-bought route, check outย this post for my top eco-friendly cleaners suggestions.

Eco-Friendly Duster

Another item you should keep in your cleaning caddy is an eco-friendly duster like this one. These environmentally friendly dusters are made out of microfiber material and they can be washed in the washing machine.

These dusters are perfect for your furniture, bookshelves, and even over your door frames. After dusting a surface, I give the surface a spray with an all-purpose cleaner and wipe the surface clean. With kids and pets in the house, dusting often is just not enough.

Read more on Eco-Friendly Products that Work.

Scrub Brushes

You may find yourself needing a scrub brush while cleaning your bathroom. I like to keep a long handle scrub brush or short handle scrub brush in my cleaning caddy to use when scrubbing tubs and sinks.

Plus, I love to have an old toothbrush in hand, just in case I need to reach a small hard-to-reach corner or area. Make sure you include a scrub brush and an old toothbrush in your cleaning caddy. 

Glass Cleaner

You will need to have a good glass cleaner in your cleaning caddy, too. You can use this for mirrors, windows, and other glass surfaces in your home. If you would like, you can even make your own homemade budget-friendly glass cleaner. 

To make your own glass cleaner, you will need a spray bottle, one tablespoon of ammonia, ยผ cup of rubbing alcohol, 3 drops of Dawn dishwashing liquid, and water. Pour everything into the spray bottle and fill the remainder of the bottle with water.  

Rubber Gloves

Rubber gloves are another must-have item for your cleaning caddy, especially when it comes to jobs like scrubbing the tubs and toilets.

They are a saving grace. Rubber gloves help from touching anything germy, and also for protecting the skin on your hands and your manicure. 

Read More Cleaning Tips

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