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Non-Candy Easter Basket Filler Ideas For Tweens & Teens

Take a look at these easy Easter baskets fillers that your tweens and Teens are sure to love. Avoid the sugar coma and meltdowns this Easter with these non-candy Easter egg fillers. Perfect for your Easter egg hunt or Easter basket.

Non-Candy Easter Basket Filler Ideas

With Easter just around the bend, I wanted to share with you some Non-Candy Easter Basket Filler Ideas that your kids will love. I’m sure you can find a few favorites on the list (or at least I hope so!) Our kids look forward to finding their Easter Baskets hidden away every year. The Easter Bunny loves to hide them… in the closet, behind a chair, under a bed, or just about anywhere.

My kids have such a blast looking for their baskets, just as my siblings did when we were little! Every though my kids know that the celebration of Easter is not about the Easter Bunny, but about Christ dying on the cross for our sins.

So that we may place all our hope & faith in him. It is still a lot of fun to incorporate a tradition that I have done since I was little. Candy always seems like the very first idea when it comes to creating a fun Easter Basket. But there are so many other great Non-Candy Easter Basket Filler Ideas. 

My goal here is to share some ideas that are more creative than candy alone. I want to help spur on some fun, engaging, enjoyable alternatives to candy so that you can add them to whichever other items you and your family choose to include in Easter baskets.

Non-Candy Easter Basket Ideas: To Eat

Let’s face it, tweens and teens love snacks.

These Easter basket stuffers are for most older children. You know your kid best – select items that are appropriate to their age. Avoid silly trinkets that will clutter the house or items that encourage phone time.

Easter Basket Filler Ideas for Tweens & Teens

Perfect non-candy Easter basket fillers for girls that are easily available, cost-effective, age-appropriate, and items you would actually want lingering around the house from spring through summer. But do yourself a favor – set a budget.

Like all fun things in life, it’s easy to overspend if you don’t set a budget. Along with being completely sugar-free, these basket filler ideas also encourage everyone in your life to ditch the screens.

Kids Against Maturity card game
Body Spray
Movie Theater Gift Card
Reuseable Water Bottle
Henna Body Markers with Stencils (temporary tattoos)
Lip Balm
Skincare Masks
Left Center Right dice game
Make-Up Bag
Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza Game
Gum – Sugar-Free
Fun or Fuzzy Socks
Fun Boxers/Briefs
Nail Polish
Ear Buds
Bath Shower Gel with a Plouff
Beef Jerky
Hair Ties
The One Minute Gratitude Journal for Teens
Breath Mints
Stress Relief Squishy Toys
Redbox gift cards
Card Games – UNO, Would You Rather, On a Scale of One to T-Rex, Exploding Kittens
Age Appropriate Books
Markers or Colored pencils
Adult Coloring Books
Electric Toothbrush

From the Heart Gift Ideas

Homemade coupons for date night with a parent, one night out past curfew, or a chore-free day. Our family loves making homemade gifts. Here are a few ideas we make for easy other.

Homemade Hot Chocolate Cocoa Bombs
DIY Bath Bombs
All Natural Facial Scrub
Soothing Oatmeal Bath Bomb Recipe for Dry Skin
Easy Shower Jelly DIY Recipe

These gifts are approved by my tween and teen, so you can shop with confidence. And you’ll come up with some great filler ideas that your kiddos will actually love. Whether you’re shopping early or waiting until the last minute, you’re sure to find something your older kids will love.

Other GREAT Easter Articles

Decorated Easter Cookies Kids Will Love

DIY Silk Tie Dyed Easter Eggs – Simply & Easy Tutorial

Easter Rice Krispies Egg Treats Recipe

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  1. love these ideas, that is what my husband and i always did , new summer clothes, bathing suit, towels, sandals, books, we also did Easter egg hunt of plastic eggs with coupons, night out with dad, movies (etc)

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