How To Organize Your Coupons So You Can Find Them

Learn how to organize grocery coupons. From a coupon binder to the clipless method, you can quickly find your coupons when you need them.

How To Keep Your Coupons Organized

There are many ways to organize coupons; the key is to find the best approach for you and stick with it. Organizing your coupons at first may take a lot of your time, but once you get used to your method, it becomes faster and easier.

And remember, you don’t have to be an extreme couponer. But if you are hearing reading this post, we also know that you are not the average shopper. Being organized is the best way to get the best deals off your grocery list. We don’t have to pay full price. In fact, you may even walk away with some free food.

There are now more coupons than ever. You can easily pick up our phones and clip digital coupons or we can use paper coupons (Printed from home or manufacturer’s coupons from Sunday’s paper). There are all types of coupons, including promo codes found in cash-back apps.

The goal of this site is to help you in every possible way to save money the easy way. This includes meal planning to teaching you marketing tactics that will help you save while grocery shopping.

Please also read – Being Aware of Coupon Fraud – Protecting Yourself

Bets Couponing Organizing Tips

There are many ways to organize your printable coupons. I will be discussing the 4 MAIN organizing techniques. Whichever approach you choose, there are several things that you can do to ensure that your coupons remain neat and accessible:

  1. Develop a filing system. Most couponers organize their coupons by category (dairy, frozen foods, deli, etc.) or by expiration date, but it’s not the only way to go. Find a filing system that works for you, organize by aisle, by expiration, or category, etc. At first, you will be busy with organizing, but once you are done, it will make couponing easier.
  2. Find a container to hold your coupons. Use a shoebox, a storage container, a coupon binder, a coupon wallet, or a recipe box. It doesn’t matter what you choose. The most important thing is to have a landing spot for all of your coupons.
  3. File coupons the same day you get them. Okay, so you may not always have time to file your coupons right away, but try to file them as soon as you can. This will prevent them from getting lost and save you the hassle of having to sort through a big mess of coupons all at once.
  4. Purge regularly. Expired coupons won’t save you money, so don’t let them hog space in your coupon file. Set a schedule for purging expired coupons, and stick to it. When they reach their expiration date, pull them out of the cycle.

THE “Binder” Method

Have you ever heard the joke? “If you see a binder, don’t get behind her”. The general idea with the binder method is that you shop with all of your coupons in the binder. I also recommend a good-quality binder, preferably one that zips up like the one pictured here.

With the binder method, you do all the work of clipping and organizing first. This is a great way to stay organized. However, this is not always the case. I use the binder method and do not take it with me. When I make my list, I have it nearby to pull my coupons out easily. I am a visual person. If there are coupons that are high value or I know I will use, I carry them with me in my handy dandy pocket filer.

Tips –

  • Each week, clip your coupons from the Sunday newspaper, all of your magazines, and any printable coupon sites to save money off your grocery bill.
  • Sort and file the coupons in your baseball card holders. Like these pocket sleeves ones . Arrange your binder in a way that makes it easy for you to locate coupons quickly. You can organize by monthly expiration dates (closest to the expiration date on top) or organize by store layout.
  • Pull your coupons each week as you plan your shopping trip. Set them to the side or place them in a section of your binder with your shopping list so you can quickly refer to them while shopping at your local grocery store or one of the many drug stores.

With the Binder Method, your coupons are available during shopping to take advantage of any unadvertised sales that were not in your original shopping plan.

The “File Insert” Method

This is the quickest filing method. However, beware with this method that even though you are filing your coupons at lightning speed, you are saving all the work until you make your list. I like to refer to this method as “This is the do the work later method”. File your inserts by date (weekly or monthly) and cut coupons only when needed. It will save you time and money in the long run.

You don’t need a fancy file system like the one seen above. You can use this Plastic File Box, Includes Lid and Handles (Amazon Link) I like this one because it is very portable.

This is my least favorite method of filing. The likelihood of pulling a coupon that is no longer valid is much higher. Nothing stinks more than heading to the register and being denied the use of a coupon due to its expiration date.

The idea with the File-by-Insert Method is that you file your inserts without cutting them. You will only touch the coupons when you will need them for that specific shopping trip. Plan to make multiple files that state “SS or Smartsource”, “SAVE or Vericast” & “P&G or Procter & Gamble”

Procter & Gamble coupons are the only ones distributed for an entire month. Meaning they will expire the same month they are issued. When those coupons expire, just replace them with the most current insert. The others will need multiple files. Write the insert date across the front and file it away.

Tips –

  • Put the date on the front of the whole coupon insert.
  • File your inserts by the week or month in file folders.
  • Clip your coupons each week as you plan your shopping trip.
  • Set them to the side or place them in an envelope. This way they are ready for use.
  • Shop with your shopping list and clipped coupons.
  • Discard inserts when the majority of the coupons are expired.
  •  File inserts by DATE and cut coupons when needed.

The “Hybrid” Method

The hybrid method combines the use of two different systems; similar to the “binder” method and the “file insert” method. Cutting some coupons and filing others. Cutting all coupons that pertain to the brands that you purchase regularly, that are higher value, or will expire quickly (usually within a 2-week time frame) all stay in the coupon portfolio. I also like to carry around extra coupons in case I spot an unadvertised sale or clearance opportunity.

You can either clip the remaining coupon (which is what I do) and file them in your binder, or file them by using the “file insert” method. Here’s one example of a super cute coupon organizer I found on Amazon. It’s neat and fits perfectly into your purse.

The “Coupon Box” Method

One method I’m seeing used more and more is the coupon box. It is the cheapest way to organize. There is no need to purchase any special binders or filing accessories. Simply use a plastic or cardboard shoebox, envelopes, and index cards to create a simple and inexpensive file system.

Add coupons to envelopes with index cards stapled to them with printed or written labels. Keep in a small plastic box or shoebox. If you’re interested in trying this method, I found these great storage containers on Amazon. If you don’t already have a container to use for organizing. You can organize by date or by store layout. I have seen others list out types of coupons, such as “personal care” or “produce”.

How I Organize

I organize by using a coupon binder and personalized my method with a small spin on the hybrid method. I am a planner, so I always take a detailed list to the store with me. In my binder, I have tabs for each month and I have organized them by expiration date.

It took me a while to get organized, but when I did, it made all the difference. Whatever method you choose to use, make sure it works for you, and stick with it. Organization is key when it comes to staying on top of your store’s deals.

Yes, oftentimes I have spotted an amazing unadvertised deal that I didn’t know about and don’t have a coupon for it. But that doesn’t mean I can’t return to the store. I figure I can always go back to get the item (with my coupon) if I want it bad enough. Plus, this helps me stick to my list (and budget), which is a great resource to me.

Staying organized is the key to saving money on food prices. This is good news. In the world of couponing, staying organized is the key to finding the best grocery store deals.

Other Great Resources on Inspiring Savings

6 Surprising Tips to Stay Within Your Grocery Budget

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