Home » Frugal Living Ideas » ShopRite Free Turkey or Ham Holiday Promotion – Spring 2025

ShopRite Free Turkey or Ham Holiday Promotion – Spring 2025

ShopRite has announced its FREE Turkey or Ham Holiday promotion for the 2025 Holiday spring season. Find out the details here, and start earning for your Thanksgiving feast in as little as three steps.

ShopRite Free Turkey or Ham Holiday Promotion

If you’re looking to get a head start on your 2025 Easter dinner preparation, we’ve got you covered. Let’s first start with dinner preparation. And what is better than getting the protein portion of your Thanksgiving feast for free?

A free turkey sounds too good to be true. Well, it’s not. You must earn it through your spending. Think of it as a Thank-you gift. We know that pretty much everyone can agree that hosting Easter dinner can be stressful

Let’s remove some stress. Discover how to get your turkey or ham for your Holiday meal absolutely free. Plus, you may also want to read 10 Secrets You Don’t Know About ShopRite!

2025 Offer Details

At ShopRite, you can get a free frozen ShopRite All Natural frozen Turkey (any size up to 21 lbs.) OR Free Half or Butt Half Cook’s Smoked Ham, Kosher Turkey, or Butterball (up to 21 lbs.) with your Price Plus club card when you spend $400.

If you don’t want a turkey, you can opt for a free Smoked Ham, Turkey Breast, Roasting Chicken, Stouffer’s Party Size Lasagna, or a frozen 56oz Tofurkey.

Offer Choices

Pick up your Free item from March 9th – April 19th, 2025

Offer may vary by store. See the circular for store-specific offers. Choose from the following: Limit 1 per family.

  • Bowl & Basket All-Natural Frozen Turkey any size up to 21-lbs. OR Save $1.59/lb. off any other fresh, or frozen turkey brand (up to 21- lbs.)
  • Empire or Kosher Turkey brand $1.59/lb. off up to 21-lbs. **FREE option – Check with your Chain Coordinator
  • Cooks Butt or Shank ½ or Portion Ham OR Save $2.39/lb. off any Cook’s Spiral Sliced Ham, Boneless Ham or any other Smoked Ham (up to 12-lbs. avg.)
  • $1.99/lb. off any other fresh or frozen Turkey Breast or Empire Kosher Turkey Breast
  • Empire or Kosher Frozen Roasting Chicken (Up to 8-lbs. avg.)
  • Stouffer’s Frozen Lasagna, any variety 90 – 96 oz.
  • Gardein Plant-Based Roast 35.2-oz (Frozen Dept)
  • Tofurky 56-oz. (Frozen Meat item)
  • (STARTING FRIDAY 4/4) Save $1.59/lb. on Fresh Whole Picnics 12-lb. avg., Halves, Sliced, Boneless or Chunked

Easter & Thanksgiving Promotions

This week is the start of ShopRite’s Free Turkey or Ham Holiday Promotion for Easter 2025.

Click here for Spring Promotion -2024
Click here for Fall Promotion – 2024

In order to qualify, you must have acquired 400 points (or spend $400) from March 9th – April 19th, 2025

Please keep in mind that this threshold requirement varies depending on your region. You can check your local ad flyer or contact customer service at your local store to learn more.

To save even more money on your holiday dinner, don’t forget to download the Fetch app.

Outside ShopRite Store with flowers and plants

How This Holiday Promo Works

Earn your ShopRite Free Turkey in as easy as three simple steps.

STEP ONE: Use your Price Plus club card every time you shop at ShopRite from March 9th – April 19th, 2025. Price Plus club membership is required to participate. If you are not a member, sign up today to get your Free Price Plus card and start saving right away. You can sign up online or visit customer service in-store.

STEP TWO: You must spend the required amount to get your Free Holiday dinner favorite. Or you can get the equivalent savings per pound toward the purchase of any other ham, a whole turkey, or turkey breast. Therefore, it is not needed to save your receipts to qualify.

The registers at ShopRite will automatically keep a running total of your purchases. This is why you must use your Price Plus card every time you shop. This is how the tracking is completed.  You will see your current total at the bottom of your receipt. Once you reach the threshold amount your receipt will state you qualify.

STEP THREE: Next, get your FREE item. ShopRite registers will automatically deduct the cost of your free item from your shopping order.

Please NOTE: Qualifying purchases are calculated BEFORE taxes, bottle deposits, and the face value of manufacturer coupons and AFTER ShopRite store coupons, ShopRite Price Plus club deductions, and any multiplied manufacturer coupons.

No rainchecks for specific brands/weights will be issued if a product within the same brand/weight range is available. 

Side Dishes Recipes

Read More on Inspiring Savings

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  1. Refused A Rain Check! Customer Service refused to give us a rain check after we spent $400 and became eligible for the Stouffer’s Vegetable Lasagna for Easter. We were told the offer is only for “while supplies last.” It does not matter that we have been loyal shoppers at Shop Rite for many years. This feels like a real slap in the face. We shop for ourselves and my mother-in-law every weekend. We are very disappointed with the Little Falls Shop Rite. It is very sad that you could not extend this simple courtesy to long time customers. You were very happy when we spent the $400. Maybe we will consider spending our money elsewhere.

  2. I can’t tell you how sick I am of hearing stupid brainless “elderly” jerkoffs whining when and how their going to get their “free turkey” for the last month while people are gasping for air and dying all over the place. These arrogant pieces of crap should be suffocated and maybe they too will realize a “free turkey” is of minimal importance. Not to mention all the starving homeless folks who have NOTHING! Wake up and smell death you selfish scumbags!

  3. I just ordered for pickup and it didn’t give me a choice which free holiday dinner item I could select. I would like the kosher chicken. How do I select this? I already paid.

  4. Is there any non meat items one could redeem, if they already met the $400 requirement.

    I can’t eat meat anymore and wondered if Shop Rite offered a veggie lasagna or something else as a substitute.

      1. Requirements: poor, homeless, have lost a love one recently or who have battled Covid-19. Not these selfish schmucks who despite a pandemic only care about one thing, “ their free turkey”! Donate them all to the poor and sick and homeless!

    1. Hi Shelly,

      Options are Whole Pork Tenderloin, Cook’s Shank Half Smoked ham or ShopRite Turkey Breast or Frozen Turkey. Included in FREE… you can get reduced price for Perdue Oven ready roaster, Cook’s Spiral Sliced Ham, Cook’s Butt Half Smoked Hame or Butterball Frozen Turkey.

      Have a wonderful Thanksgiving

  5. Are we able to get a kosher equivalent? kosher chicken ? I became eligible but only eat strictly kosher thanks

  6. my receipt says ” $400.00 or 400 , quality and redeem” Does this mean I qualified for a free turkey? the receipt does not indicate anything else that I have qualified for a free turkey. I have until 11/22 according to the weekly circular…. please advise

  7. I don’t get it, if the promotion is to spend 300~ or so and you get only one turkey, isn’t that an expensive turkey?

    1. Hi Norman,

      If you have earned a free turkey, it will state on the bottom of your receipt that you have fulfilled the Holiday Dinner Promotion. I would then please check the ad, only select varieties are free. Some other items are listed at a much cheap rate and may be of better quality.

  8. How many points do I need to receive free turkey! Have been using my card everytime I go to ShopRite, not sure why it’s only 140 points

  9. Why are small households, where it is impossibe to accumulate $400 in groceries in the permitted time discriminated from participation.?
    Isnt $200 enough for a complmentary
    Chicken or something..?

    1. Some of us are ill and disabled and rely on delivery because we can’t go to store. Real ignorant of you to assume it’s laziness.

      1. Yes that was very ignorant and presumptuous of that person.I’m sorry for their rudeness. #judgemental

    2. Yeah, or if I have better things to do then waste my time at a super market, if your life is so boring that excites you, all the more power to you. Mind your own business.

    1. The yellow shop shop Rite rig tractor …will it come again an hand out free Turkey s to the less fortunate people

      ? If so when ?

      1. Hi Thomas, You should be able to add the Turkey or Ham to your cart. Making sure that your price plus account is attached. Upon check out it should automatically remove the charge for your holiday promo.

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