Home » Home Keeping Hacks » Laundry Game Changer: Why Wool Dryer Balls Are Worth the Hype

Laundry Game Changer: Why Wool Dryer Balls Are Worth the Hype

If you don’t have Wool Dryer Balls in your laundry room yet, you’re missing out on their game-changing benefits. And there are good reasons as to why you should be using them.

Laundry Game Changer: Why Wool Dryer Balls Are Worth the Hype

While doing laundry might be at the bottom of your favorite things to do on a weekend, there are certainly a few laundry hacks and laundry products that help make your household chores a little more bearable.

And one of those is including dryer balls into your laundry routine. While you may think dryer sheets soften your laundry and reduce static cling, they also include chemicals. Then you must not have heard all about laundry balls just yet.

I have been using dryer balls for the last 10 years and I have, to be honest, I bought them, thinking this is the latest trend. And even though it was a growing trend (and still is – for good reason), the benefits are truly amazing.

WebMD.com reports that the perfumes and additives in laundry products may cause skin problems. No surprise there! Fabric softeners are allergenic and can cause eczema, which appears as dry, itchy skin. Let’s go over a better alternative to dryer sheets that will give great results without harming. But first, a few questions you may be wondering…

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What are Dryer Balls?

Dryer balls are sets of balls meant to be placed in the dryer with your wet laundry, eliminating the need for dryer sheets. Laundry balls can be made from various materials like plastic, wool, or rubber.

Some of the most popular balls are made out of wool because they reduce static more efficiently and are quieter in the dryer. One set of quality wool dryer balls will last what seems like forever, softening thousands of loads of laundry—no batteries, refills, repairs, or reconditioning required.

The Purpose of Dryer Balls

The purpose of a dryer ball is to reduce the drying time for your clothes, reduce the wrinkles in your clothes, and stop static cling. Dryer balls are more economical and environmentally friendly than dryer sheets because they can be used again and again. 

As they tumble around your dryer with your clothing, they help to prevent laundry from clumping together in the dryer, allowing better circulation of airflow. This airflow reduces dry time. They also absorb some of the moisture, adding a second layer of drying to the mix. 

How They Work

Dryer balls work by creating space between the clothes in the dryer. Instead of having a big clump of laundry, dryer balls bounce around and make space for the heated air to move through. A medium to a large load of laundry will take at least 4-6 laundry balls to effectively reduce drying time. 

How They Reduce Static Cling

The balls absorb the moisture from the clothes, creating a more humid environment inside the dryer, which reduces the amount of static. If you find that your clothes still have static, spray the dryer balls with a little water before beginning the load to increase the humidity. 

Why should you try adding dryer balls to your laundry? 

First, a large box of dryer sheets will last about 200 loads and cost about $10. That’s $50 for dryer sheets when you could be spending $17 for a 6-pack of wool dryer balls.

That will last you over a decade. Throwing a dryer ball into your laundry will help your clothes dry faster, reduce chemicals, and soften clothes (like dryer sheets). But here are a few more reasons.

Faster Drying Times

Did you know that using dryer balls in your laundry can reduce your drying time by 25-30%? That might not sound like a lot, but when you add it up over ALL of the loads of laundry you do in a week or a month, it adds up quickly. 

Reduced Energy Costs

That’s right, the less time that your dryer is running, the more money you are saving. Not only will dryer balls reduce your electricity bill, but you will also be saving on dryer sheets because one laundry ball is good for up to 1000 loads of laundry. 

Environmentally Friendly

Dryer balls are more eco-friendly than fabric softeners or dryer sheets. There are no chemicals involved and no leftover waste. Plus, it helps reduce your carbon footprint.

Fewer Wrinkles

Using dryer balls in your laundry means that no clothing should be getting stuck against the inside of the dryer drum, allowing wrinkles to set in. Having the balls in the dryer creating space should leave you with softer, wrinkle-free clothes. 

Creating Enjoyable Scents

You may be thinking that if you use laundry balls instead of fabric softener or dryer sheets your laundry won’t smell as good anymore. That is simply not true!

You can add 3-4 drops of your favorite essential oils, or a combination of them, to your dryer balls and still have amazing-smelling laundry. 

So what do you think? Are you going to give dryer balls a try at your house? If you are already using dryer balls, do you have any tips to share? Leave us a comment.

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  1. I love using these! Although sometimes I can’t find them b/c if they roll anywhere my cats think they’re toys. Lol!

  2. As surprising as it is to me, there are still plenty of people who don’t really know what dryer balls are or why you’d want to use them.

  3. I used to use dryer balls years ago then stopped for some reason. They can help save money over time which is great.

  4. Wow! this reasons are really relevant will surely consider switching to woolen dryer and they look really cute too that’s a plus point.

  5. I’ve never heard of this till now. This seems to be really great products especially for doing our laundries. I would love to try something new!

  6. I’ve never used dryer balls but this is a great hack especially as I’m from the UK and we have terrible weather so it always takes forever to dry clothes! 😬

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