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How to Enjoy Coffee Without the Splurge

Do you like a good cup of coffee? Want to save on your favorite beverage? Coffee can be expensive. Especially if you drink it EVERY DAY. Here are some easy ways to save money on coffee.

Woman holding Coffee cup in hand

How to Enjoy Coffee Without the Splurge

Do you like a good cup of coffee? As my kids would say, “Like DUH”! For me, coffee is just life! Especially if you drink it EVERY DAY. Did you know that on average you could spend $3 to even possibly $9 at specialty coffee shops for that morning cup of brew?

I am sure you did, otherwise, you would not be looking for easy ways to save money on coffee.

Why do we spend money on coffee shop brew?  

Does it come down to convenience, better coffee, or it has just become routine? Whatever your reason, I am hoping to change your mind and make you a budget-saver. We know for certain that you can make an equally fantastic cup of brew.

I am sorry if my first sentences don’t convince you of the saving possibilities. I am the last one to stand in between you and your little cup of heaven. After all, we all know I am a huge coffee lover. But if you review all these easy ways to save money on coffee, I may have changed your mind forever.

Brew Your Coffee At Home

If you purchase coffee on average 3 times a week on average, you could be spending $288.00 to $720.00 a year.

These numbers don’t account for repeat visits in the afternoon. For me, making my coffee in the morning after waking up is not a good thing. I suffer from morning brain fog. If you spend a few minutes the night before setting your machine; timer and all, you could be waking up to freshly brewed coffee at home.

This will cost half the price if you purchase your coffee on your way to work. In my case, I am lucky enough to have my husband make my coffee in the morning. What can I say? He loves me. That morning cup of Joe at home will cost you $0.10-$0.35 to make or ($14.40 to $53.00 a year). BIG BIG Difference.

Instead of brewing a whole pot of coffee, only brew the amount you drink. I find I drink less if I make a smaller pot of coffee and I feel fine and SURVIVE the day. Want a fun drink you can make a home? Please read this great article: 20 Coffee Drinks That Will Help Save You Money!

Skip The Coffee Pods

Coffee pods are a convenient item and also nice to have when guests arrive at your home. It takes just a minute to make a nice fresh brew of coffee, but they are also a lot more expensive.  Opt instead for a more traditional coffee pot and brew smaller portions for yourself. But you still want to use your Keurig, right?

Well, there are now reusable K-Cup filters that you just fill with any ground coffee and wash out to reuse. These are my favorite.

Think Outside of Your Box of Joe

Just because your coffee is expensive doesn’t mean that its taste is outstanding. In a blind taste test by NYMag food critic Adam Platt, he ranked 7 cups of coffee. Of course, Starbucks was included and you may be SHOCKED! Starbucks ranked last in his taste test!

Their coffee cost on average $5 vs. $3 (Large Iced Coffee, National Average) for Dunkin Donuts. Choosing Dunkins could save you almost $250ish per year. That’s if you just have to have coffee when you’re out. The savings are even more dramatic if you’re willing to brew at home.

Buying Starbucks beans and brewing them at home can save you upwards of $1200 per year, and over $1000 if you buy beans from Dunkin Donuts. That’s enough for a nice family vacation! Think about that for a minute… You do have options if you do not want to brew at home.

Just like purchasing furniture……..shop around, taste test, and start saving money.

Get A Good Brewer

Don’t waste your money! You see, purchasing a coffee brewer that may be less costly will not help you enjoy or save money on your favorite at-home morning wake-up call. Oftentimes, those cheaper versions last just a year or so. Invest in a good brewer.

Watch for Sales & Stock Up

Give your taste buds some variety.  It seems obvious to say buy coffee on sale. I am always plugging in great sales. If you see my name, you instantly think of “coupon lady.” But you don’t have to be coupon crazy to save on coffee.

If you truly love coffee you may be heading to the store to see the price of your favorite brands NOT on sale and not make a purchase. The next day you want coffee and realize you are still out so you go through your favorite drive-thru to pick up a cup.

This habit turns into a daily habit and you would have probably spent less money buying the full-price coffee than buying one cup at a time. When you buy coffee on sale each week, you can save money but not get your favorite brand at full price. The bonus to this is also finding other coffee brands and flavors that you truly love.

Other Frugal Coffee Articles

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