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Take The Stress Out of Christmas – 10 Helpful Tips

Want to take the stress out of Christmas this year? Follow these practical tips on how to feel less stressed this Christmas. Make your mood more joyous.

Easy Ways to Reduce Stress This Christmas Season.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year—but also one of the most stressful! Make the season more enjoyable by stopping stress in its tracks with these tips.

With Christmas around the corner, how can you avoid the frenzy and reduce the stress that always seems to creep up?  It is so very easy to get wrapped up in our moments of stress and not look at the bigger picture.

And with all the gift-giving, the cooking, the decorations, and the parties, the Christmas season can seem to be more like work than a special time meant to be spent with the ones you love.

10 Helpful Tips To Help You Relax This Christmas Season

Just Do… Less

Make a change. Ask yourself, “What will happen if I don’t do this?” If it really won’t be that important, skip it. There is no need for you to make extra or do extra work that may make you stressed. Christmas should be all about enjoying time with your family.

Believe me, let’s take the stress out of Christmas by just doing a little less. Focus on what is most important to you.

Don’t want to do Christmas cards, but still want a personal touch?

If you’re overwhelmed with a tone of Christmas cards to send out, ask yourself, “Which are the 10 most important ones?” Make it a priority, just send out those top 10.

Then simply reach out and call someone. Old-fashioned phone calls are a nice chance to catch up with old friends or distant family. You don’t always need to send out cards. Talking with the family will bring laughter into your life and will help you feel less stressed.

Have a group of friends that usually exchange gifts?

Get together for a nice lunch or do a cookie exchange. If gifts are important, try a White Elephant gift exchange instead of buying new items. You will have more fun exchanging gifts that were fun to find and cost very little.

Here is an impressive list of ideas you will enjoy.

Eat a candy cane

Yep, I just did say that! The smell peps you up instantly.

Peppermint also has the side benefit of soothing an upset tummy that can sneak up on you during this busy time of year. Think that peppermint candy canes are not worth the bite. Think again and read this article on all the benefits. 

Pick up a box for yourself and to share it at the office.

As you take part in trimming the tree or preparing the sugar cookies with your kids, take a deep breath and savor the moment. Give yourself permission to forget about all those tasks still left on your to-do list. Give yourself permission to slow down.

OH NO!! Another sweater?

Don’t give Aunt Helen another sweater. Instead, treat her to a movie or concert. The same thing goes for kids.

Why not take them to a show after the holidays? Studies have shown that people appreciate and remember gifts of time and shared experiences. Looking for some good ideas, Groupon always has lots of sales and fun ideas.

Wrap gifts as you go

As you purchase gifts for loved ones, take just a few minutes once you get home to wrap them. A few minutes here and there will relieve many hours of gift wrapping later.

Not sure what gifts you wrapped already? Journaling your Christmas gifts can really help relieve stress. Keep a small journal with the names of your recipients and what you purchased.

Now if you really don’t want to wrap, you don’t have to either. Stores don’t always publicize this service, so be sure to ask.

Also, seek out charity gift-wrapping services. Nonprofit organizations often set up booths at malls or craft shows and will wrap presents for a small fee. Take advantage of their services and you’ll save yourself one task while contributing to a worthy cause.

Cooking? If you are hosting a meal, consider doing it Potluck style

Maybe you provide the main dish and have others bring the sides and dessert. Prep ahead for whatever you are cooking to save time. You want to be able to enjoy the company of your loved ones, and not be stuck in the kitchen, or just too tired to enjoy the holiday.

Don’t forget, this is not the time to be testing out new recipes. Just do what you know how to do and can do well. Focus on fellowshiping with friends and relatives. Food is just a bonus of the get-together.

Keep decorating simple

Enlist the kids to collect branches and pine cones. Not only will you get some simple but beautiful décor, but you will also keep the kids busy for at least an afternoon!

Spending time with your kids and starting new traditions is really what is most important.

Remember to breathe and take a minute every day to just do nothing

Taking a brisk walk outside in nature can help ease many stresses. Feeling a bit overwhelmed? Drop what you are doing and head outside. Bottling up your stress for too long can lead to health issues. And this is the time to be enjoying the season and not to be stressing over it.

Another thought is to try to do something nice for someone else. A little random act of kindness will put you in the Christmas spirit and bring happiness to your heart that will not allow stress to intrude.

What do you do to help make Christmas less stressful? Any tips? Would love to hear your thoughts.

Leave us a comment below.

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Want to take the stress out of Christmas this year? Follow these practical tips on how to feel less stressed this Christmas. Make your mood more joyous

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